The SUV Alliance: A manifesto for fairer and safer streets

The SUV Alliance: A manifesto for fairer and safer streets

Large Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) and 4x4s are more polluting, more expensive and more dangerous to other road users, yet they are fast becoming the norm in the UK.

Pushed by carmakers and their advertisers, who get higher profits from bigger cars, and facilitated by a lack of action from governments, bigger, heavier cars are taking over our streets, holding back the market for smaller, affordable electric vehicles, and reducing street space for other transport modes.

But there is an alternative. A few simple changes now would ensure that large, polluting, dangerous SUVs are no longer welcome on our streets, and would create space for accessible and affordable public transport, active travel and small electric vehicles.

This is the vision of safer and fairer streets we want to see.